Infinitode 2 High Score Tips and Tricks

Oleg Yazvin
3 min readAug 25, 2020

I love Infinitode 2, and while I haven’t been able to crack the top one hundred list on any level yet, there’s a lot of things I’ve learned that I haven’t seen on the internet.

1. Pair complementary Towers together

What makes Infinitode 2 different from any other tower defense game is the amount of strategy involved. Unlike in most every other tower defense game I’ve played, you can’t simply put all the most powerful towers in the locations where they’ll have access to the most amount of road and then just let it play out. The strengths of each tower matter and also how they stack together. Here are some examples:

  • Pair a freeze tower with an area of effect tower like Cannon, Missile, or even Poison (once it hits experience level 10) to get more damage per shot for these towers.
  • Pairing a freeze tower with splash will allow you to make use of the Splash tower’s “Rifled Barrels” ability
  • Pair Freeze tower with poison to make use of the ability of the “Freeze” status to lengthen the time of poison

Really though…

2. Be mindful of placement in general

For example:

  • Place Blast towers throughout the level to slow down enemies the most amount
  • Place Flamethrower and Poison towers at the beginning. They’ll do damage as the enemy advances without additional shots taken by the towers.

3. Tower experience level matters a lot

This is another area where Infinitode 2 differs from most other tower defense games I’ve played. Most tower defense games’ learning curve involves you first thinking that building lots of towers wins you the game, only for you to realize later that having a few really powerful ones is the real ticket. Infinitode flips that on its head. In the earlier levels, you quickly learn that if you have a couple strong towers, you kill all the enemies faster and snag the coin bonuses that let you make it to later levels. The problem is that strategy bites you in the ass in the long run.

If you have a few powerful, decently ranged towers like Tesla + Multishot + Minigun you’ll do fine until you max out your upgrades and then you’re left with nowhere to go. You’ll need to build more towers to up your total enemy-killing ability and towers you’ll get are really weak, allowing your enemies to overrun you quickly.

Instead, build out the whole map at the beginning. The towers are individually weak, but together, if you put them in the right stops, they’ll stop waves. Most importantly is that without spending any coins, the towers will get stronger on their own because they will gradually accumulate experience over time. By the time you get to a later level, you’ll have spent the same amount of coins as the “few powerful towers” strategy, but your total power will be greater because you’ve had more towers that have more time to level up on their own.

4. Mine

Mining is essential for a high score. That’s one of the biggest differences between your score and the score of people who make it to the tops of the leaderboards. It’s crazy how those points add up.

5. The Bounty towers are a waste of space

They seem like a good idea, but the space they take up is better taken by a tower that kills enemies, especially if you’re trying to squeeze every last point out of the round.

6. Don’t always set targeting to “First”.

That option that lets you select “Random”, “First”, “Last”, “Closest”, etc. is pretty useful, especially for area of effect and status towers. Some tips:

  • Set Minigun tower to “Random” so that the acceleration bonus is able to accumulate.
  • Set poison tower to “Random” if you have more than one of them so that every enemy gets a poisoned
  • Set Cannon Tower to “Random” to maximize Area of Effect damage
  • Set Sniper Towers to “Weakest” after they hit level 10 because of their “Killshot” ability
  • Set towers at the end to “Weakest” to knock off any enemies you still have a chance at getting rid of before you lose lives.

Hope this list helps you do well in the game! Infinitode 2 is one of my favorite games to play not only because of how much strategy it involves but also the aesthetics of it. It has a cyberpunk/Tron/retro vibe that I can’t get enough of. Good luck!



Oleg Yazvin

Product manager, puzzle solver, and avid amateur sushi-maker